Walking through 'Circles'

Luca Rudenstine

Walking Through 'Circles'

Link to presentation video: start time: 59:21 end time: 1:07.53

Final presentation

Nadine Zaza

The Playgarden is a space meant to build connections within a community, between the different people of a community, and bridge the gap between the artificial and natural community. One tool we utilized to accomplish this through the use of inclusive design, a style of accessible design that focuses on not just making the product an able body thing that disabled people can now interact with, but something for both able-bodied people and disabled people. Another tool we used was the actual garden space, this was to the more human/artificial community interact with the local natural community.  The final product was an inclusive community space.

Teardrop Playground

Nadine Zaza

The Teardrop Playground is a surrealist play experience, where users can travel through a forest of raindrops.

Recipe For Play

Anara Magavi

Accessible Play for the Elderly through Storytelling

An intergenerational playscape for the elderly and kids that was modeled for the Youville Assisted Living Home in Cambridge. The playground uses elements from well-known stories in order to create a storytelling experience for both generations. The playground is accessible to people of all ages and physical abilities with multiple areas of play and rest.