Freeganism: Revealing Massive Scale of Food Waste

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"Climbing into a supermarket bin to find your dinner amongst bags of waste might not sound that appealing, however it’s a way of life for freegans: anti-consumption activists who avoid buying anything and instead pull discarded food out of skips and bins - as well as furniture and other reusable items.

In 2015, the Guardian spoke to a group of students who spent most nights standing in the bins at Tesco and other supermarkets, sifting through the waste food to find their next meal...

It might cause you to raise an eyebrow or two, but the issue of food waste really isn’t one to be sniffed at. According to Greener Scotland, Scottish households throw away 600,000 tonnes of food every year. And by reducing this, even by a small amount, the average family could save up to £437 a year.

Freegans, of course, take this ethos much further. It’s not just about food, either - though that’s a big part of it. They reclaim discarded furniture, clothing and other dumped items too, saving them from landfill."

Learn more about Freeganism here.