What is a Monument?

Defining Monuments and understanding their history


When you imagine a monument, what comes to mind? Do you picture a sculpture? A building? A pyramid? Is there a monument in your own community that comes to mind?

Monuments can take many forms and have many purposes. They can honor or commemorate people, events, moments in history or community values. They can be designed to last for centuries or for a specific moment in time.

In this section, you'll take a look at examples of different forms monuments can take, different purposes they can serve and different responses and reactions they can inspire or provoke by walking virtually around your town and exploring some more around the world.

Materials: computer or tablet

Duration: ~2 hrs


1. Follow the slideshow to have a step by step analysis of choosing monuments that you are interested in. 

2. Then, choose three monuments in your town and take a screenshot of it (make sure you have a good view) and three monuments from the tabs "Monument Precedents" and "Experimental Monuments Precedents".

3. In a slide show (6 slides total), make sure to include the answers to the questions:

- History: Why was it built

- Present: How does it impact the now?

- Intervention: Would you change anything to it?


Post this slideshow in the Response Tab