Imagine a dynamic mosaic where each student's creation forms a vital segment of a larger transportation network. In this studio, we will embark on a collaborative journey to create an interactive puzzle that represents an interconnected transportation network. Each student's creation will form a vital segment of this larger network, where the edge of their canvas seamlessly blends into the beginning of another's, ensuring continuous motion and fluidity. 

Students delve into the intricacies of their chosen transportation mode, whether it's futuristic vehicles powered by renewable energy or kinetic infrastructure that transforms sidewalks into energy generators. The challenge lies not only in crafting functional designs but in harmonizing them with neighboring pieces to forge a cohesive urban tapestry.

Mountain Electronics Close-Ups

Nova Reilly

Walrus Launch & Boat Sailing

Nova Reilly

Grabber Gondola Drill - Surya & Luca

Nova Reilly

Rhino photo 2

Beckett Munson

Rhino Photos

Beckett Munson

Congratulations! And Final Survey :)

Joselyn McDonald

Congratulations, you've completed a NuVu Summer Studio! 

Now it's time to reflect and share your thoughts on the studio experience. Fill out the post-studio survey here: Summer 2024 Student Survey


Nova Reilly


Akshay & Andrew Prototyping Photos

Nova Reilly

Augustus and Leone

Maddie Johnson-Harwitz
acrylic construction cuts.dxf
wood construction cuts.dxf